Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is designed to restore function and support the nervous system so your body can work as it should. Your body has the incredible innate ability to heal itself. When it’s not fixed properly pain, illness and disease occurs. Chiropractic means “done by hand”. Using manual manipulation techniques, Dr. Victoria can help your body self-heal.

Chiropractic focuses on the natural wellbeing and optimal health of our patients. For the body to work properly it must be aligned. Working with the musculoskeletal and nervous systems can make a positive impact on your health.

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is holistic, functional-based care. The central nervous system controls your body’s function. Any restriction in the spine can create a breakdown in the communication channel between the spine and our brain.

Chiropractic is a natural way to accurately and precisely determine what’s causing the blockage in your spine. Once found, we’re able to design a treatment program that corrects the imbalance and restores function to the spine.

Dr. Victoria is a licensed healthcare professional who uses science-based techniques to figure out what’s going on in your body. She helps people get better by aligning their spines, which allows the body to do the rest. Her treatments tailor to her patient’s specific needs. She uses Diversified, Thompson, Logan Basic, Flexion Distraction, Instrument, Soft Tissue, Webster Technique.

A Holistic Approach to Care

Dr. Victoria believes in using what she’s learned and what she’s seen to help people. She teaches her patients how they can help their bodies to move better and feel better. Working with a total body approach improves the mental and structural aspects, inside and out. Helping people to perform their day-to-day activities easier and happier is her goal.

Restoring Balance with Focused Care

Chiropractic is all about correcting dysfunctions, so you move better and function better. She’s not treating symptoms. She’s looking for the cause. Her patients have seen improvement in these areas:

  • Balancing the Autonomic Nervous System and the hormonal system
  • General Body Pains
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Stiff and sore joints
  • Sleeping problems
  • Scoliosis
  • Surgery prevention
  • Stress
  • Mental health
  • Digestive dysfunction
  • Overall health and wellness with Pregnancy
  • Delivery and discomfort with Pregnancy
  • Function and performance
  • And more…

Why not try the natural route? It’s safe, natural, and highly effective.